Thursday, November 15, 2018

Surat Al-Falaq Activities

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

These are some activities we did with my 5 year old for Surat Al-Falaq:

1. A puzzle. For Surat An-Naas, each verse was in a different color to make it easier, and in this Surah, I used patterns.

You can download the PDF here: Surat Al-Falaq Puzzle.

2. We also did a little activity to make him to know the 4 things that we are asking Allaah's protection from in this Surah.

  The little orange cards are in the same file as the 'jealousy' activity below.

3. An activity to help him to teach his heart to feel the right way instead of feeling jealous when he sees his friends or others having things that he himself loves and would like to have.

I printed out pictures of things he loves, and I know he wants for himself. Then we lined up all his toy friends, and gave those 'things' to his friends, we would sometimes name the toy to be one of his real friends. 

Then we would read out what he should feel in his heart when he sees something like that happening.

I felt that instead of telling him what NOT to do, it would be more helpful to help him to learn the RIGHT way to feel in his heart, to counter jealousy.

The text read as follows (don't know if the image will be clear enough):

What I should feel in my heart, when I see my Muslim brother having/getting something nice:

1.     You got a wonderful thing!
2.     You must be so happy!
3.     I feel so happy for you!
4.     I am happy that you are happy.
5.     I hope you will enjoy your gift a lot, and that Allaah will put barakah in it.
6.     And I hope that Allaah will give ME a gift like this too!

The printables for this activity and the previous one can be downloaded here.

4. Lastly, since the word 'min' (from) is recurring in the Aayah, we did an activity to help him to learn the meaning of the preposition 'min' (من). 

This one says, "Get me a plate from the kitchen."

"Get me a pillow from the bedroom."

"Get me a book from the bookshelf."

I asked him to get me a certain object from a certain place. And he had to first make the sentences, and then bring me the object. It was engaging, and hands on, I think he got it Alhamdulillah.

The file with the printables for this activity and the last one can be downloaded here: Min Preposition Activity.

I hope that you find benefit in these.

وبالله التوفيق

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